Friday 9 August 2013

EVERYBODY O!!!! CU is now running on GAS TURBINE.

The latest gist reaching us here is that CU and the whole of cannanland is now running on a gas turbine . With the new power system we are supposed to be having light 24/7 everywhere. The V.C in his welcome speech actually said "power is here to stay" so i think that's what He meant. A reliable source from chaplaincy also confirmed the story. I never see the gas turbine with my own eyes o but i heard it is located outside cannanland. The gas turbine is actually going to save the school and church a lot of money being spent on diesel and maintenance. If this is true then the days of going to library to charge and sleeping in darkness are over. But today there was power failure I guess they are still testing the gas Sha lats see till the end of the semester if the increase in our school fees is justified.
Gas Turbine, CU don dey step up o.,

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